WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce platform, but its admin interface is typically confined to the WordPress backend. What if you could bring that robust functionality to your store’s frontend? With VendBase, you can do just that. Here’s how to load the WooCommerce admin on the frontend, outside of the wp-admin area.

Why Load WooCommerce Admin on the Frontend?

Before we dive into the how, let’s quickly cover the why:

  1. Improved user experience for store managers
  2. Seamless integration with your store’s frontend design
  3. Quicker access to important WooCommerce features

Steps to Load WooCommerce Admin with VendBase

  1. Install and Activate VendBase
    Make sure you have the latest version of VendBase installed and activated on your WordPress site.
  2. Create a New Page
    In your WordPress dashboard, create a new page where you want the WooCommerce admin to appear.
  3. Configure VendBase Settings
    Navigate to VendBase settings in your WordPress dashboard. Set the “Show on page” option to the page you created in step 3.
  4. Set Up Page Restrictions (Optional)
    If you don’t want your shop managers to have access to the wordpress admin you may need to add redirects / restrictions.
  5. Test Thoroughly
    Navigate to the page on your frontend and ensure all WooCommerce admin functionalities are working as expected.

Best Practices

  • Regularly update VendBase and WooCommerce to ensure compatibility and security.
  • Be mindful of performance impact, especially on shared hosting environments.
  • Provide clear instructions to your team on how to use this new frontend admin interface.


By leveraging VendBase to load the WooCommerce admin on your frontend, you’re creating a more integrated and efficient management experience for your e-commerce store. This approach bridges the gap between your storefront and backend operations, potentially streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Ensure you’re implementing proper security measures when exposing admin functionalities on the frontend. Happy selling!